Monday, December 28, 2009

Sedgwick County Park

is a good place to ride that is, close to home, easy to get to, and usually is a place where you can many times find other cyclist riding. I need about 35 more miles on the Roadie to get to my year mileage goad of 2,500 miles on the faithful steel framed road bike. Christmas eve this year brought about 2" of snow this year, but with today's temperatures of over 45, it melted most of it away. With the paved path around the park it is a good place to ride any type of bicycle. There are usually walkers and their dogs on the trail, so it pays to pay attention to the traffic on the path. As the sun started to set, the temps started to drop, and by the time I got home it was in the 30's. Someplace along the way, my chain picked up something and there was a jump whenever the chain went through the rear derailluer. Byron at Heartland Cycle cleaned the chain, removed the problem link and got me going. One more ride and I should have my 2,500 miles on the bike for the year.

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